Exam Information

Exam Schedule June 2024

June 2024 Sr. High Exam Schedule

June 2024 Jr. High Exam Schedule

Parent and Student Information and Expectations:

We as an education community continue to admire the successes of our students
and revel in the celebrations that go alongside the culmination of the first semester. With all of this joy
in mind, we feel that it is important to clarify student expectations and routines for the Senior High
Exam Season:

1) Before the end of classes for the separate Grades, students need to confirm the date and place of
their exam with their classroom teachers. Teachers will provide more direction for their classes.

2) If students do not have an exam, we ask that they do not attend school or access bus

3) Access to teachers during exam week will be more challenging as teachers will have alternative
schedules. Students need to preschedule appointments with their classroom teacher to ensure that
teachers will be available.

4) Students who remain at the school, whether they are waiting for their afternoon exam or have
already completed their morning exam, are expected to attend Study Hall. We also ask that they
refrain from using the doors closest to the Senior High Gymnasium as exams will be running all
day. Students are not permitted to visit other classrooms or move throughout the halls as staff and
students will be using classrooms for testing purposes. Back-and-forth movement between
school and community will be discouraged. The Student Lounge will not be available.

5) While at Study Hall, students are reminded that it is a quiet study space and are encouraged to
bring headphones or earplugs to assist with their focus. Students who study alongside their peers
are reminded to attend the Study Hall respectfully.

6) For students who have outside transportation arrangements, we ask that they depart from campus
immediately upon the completion of their exam.

While these reminders can feel very limiting we feel that it is important to maintain an extra studious
and respectful environment for the duration of the Senior High Exam Season. Students and staff benefit
greatly from the supportive environment.
Thank you,

The Admin Team