An update on Convocation.
Date: Friday June 29th , 2018
RE: Graduation Day Reminders
Dear parents/guardians/graduates,
Here are a list of the important times and dates for this year’s convocation:
- Rehearsal will be June 28th 2:00pm at the Spirit Centre. Grads will be receiving their Cap and Gown after the rehearsal in the Spirit Centre on June 28th so that Grads can take pictures at home before the ceremony.
- Graduates must be at the Spirit Centre on June 29th no later than 11:30 am (doors open at 11:00 am for students)
- Doors for guests open at 12:00 pm – seats are first come; first serve. Tickets are required even for the bleacher section.
- Graduates will get changed in to their Cap and gown and we will have a Cap and Gown Picture at 12:00pm with photographer. (Mr. Cairns and Ms. Scallion may be able to take a picture with drone as well)
- Convocation starts promptly at 1:00 pm (approximately 90 minutes)
- 2:30pm Brief Break to set up for parent planned Grand March. Parents will be supervising and arranging students for the March (Thank-you Mrs. Bokenfohr. Guests may remain seated as the March will be weaving through the guests on the floor.)
- 3:00pm Grand March
- 3:30 pm exit Arena and move chairs to Banquet in the Fieldhouse.
- We are not clearing the chairs on the floor we are only clearing the Graduate chairs and stage that is at the front. )
- Group Photo follows the Grand March (Ms. Scallion)
Finally, a reminder that Convocation is a school event. As a result, students under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to participate.
Thank-you for all your help in making this day possible.