Dear Parents and Guardians of Graduating Students,
R.F. Staples Secondary School is honouring our graduating students on Friday, June 3, 2022 in the Main Gym of the school. This is a separate event from the dinner and dance that the parent committee is planning for June 30.
The Convocation ceremony celebrates student achievement and it is required that students are on track to completing the requirements for an Alberta High School Diploma or Certificate of High School Achievement. Students that are failing, are not enrolled in the required courses, or have not completed enough of a required course are not eligible to participate. All fees and school bills must be paid. Please contact the school should you require special terms or a payment schedule for the fees.
- Convocation is June 3, 2022. Start time is 5:30 pm.
- Each graduate will get 6 guest tickets. Grads do not need a ticket for themselves.
- The school does not have extra tickets. If grads do not need all their tickets, they can facilitate giving the extras to other grads. The school will not be collecting and giving away the extras.
- Graduates are expected to arrive between 4:30 and 5:00.
- There is time to visit with staff and fellow graduates
- A group photo will be taken at 5:00. Grads that are late may miss the group photo
- Doors open at 4:30 to enter the school and the main gym.
- There are busses operating in the south parking lot as this is a regular school day. No access until the busses have left. 3:50 at the earliest please.
- All guests must present their ticket for entry. No exceptions
- Seats are first come first served. Some are reserved for invited guests.
- Guests are asked not to line up before 3:30 pm so as not to interfere with the regular operations of the school day. Guests that choose to line up before 4:30, when the doors open, can do so outside at the bottom of the stairs to the West of the Main Entrance.
- There will be rehearsals during focus, lunchtime or after school May 30 to June 2. Exact times will be communicated to students when the schedule has been set
- Each graduate will get 6 guest tickets. Grads do not need a ticket for themselves.
- The Convocation Fee is $80 to cover the cost of the following:
- Grad Cap and Gown.
- Memento.
- Lawn Sign. (These can be collected after the ceremony)
- Chair and lighting rental.
- Decorations.
- Grads can pay fees in the main office starting May 2. The fee can be paid by cash, cheque, or online. Reminder that all other fees need to be paid in order to participate in convocation.
- To reduce the risk of tickets getting lost, we will not be giving the tickets to the grads until May 23.
- Staff will review graduation status the week of May 16. If a student is failing or is too far behind in a course taken independently, they may not be permitted to participate in the convocation ceremony. Fees would be refunded in this circumstance. In essence, students need to be in good academic standing by May 20 to participate.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.