To all Possible Graduates and Their Parents and/or Guardians:
We would like to update you on the latest convocation information. The following is a list of the deadlines for convocation that are approaching or things that graduates must submit. Please understand that this is being sent to students that have been identified as being on the grad list, and students that have the opportunity to get on to the grad list. Unfortunately, a lot can happen and there may be instances when a student is removed from the list. Completing the to do list below does not guarantee that a student will participate in the school’s convocation ceremony. Graduate list still being finalized by Mr. Rufiange.
What your student needs to do for Convocation??
- Cap and Gown photo taken with Mrs. Scallion’s photography class (photography class photos continue their sessions). All grads must get this done to be in the 2021 RF Grad Class picture.
- April 12th Grad Biographies: A google form was pushed to all students of Social and English using Google Classroom (Ms Gasse, Ms Bowsfield, Ms Albrecht, Mr. Pidsadowski) with bio input and question about convocation picture and baby photo in jpeg emailed to Ms Scallion) – due April 22nd. Students who do not have a Social or English class at RF this semester please email Mr. Kulmatyski for your grad Biography Form using your school email.
- April 26th Speaker Nomination: survey for the convocation program will be posted to graduates. Nominations will be Due May 7th
- April 30th Cap and Gown Ordering Deadline: If a Graduate would like a cap and gown for a keepsake… (cost $30) ordering and measurements go to Mr. St. Denis.
- Graduation Costs:
- Convocation Ceremony only $30;
- Ceremony and a Cap and Gown is $60.
- RF Staples will be collecting fees starting May 25th.
Take care,
If you have any questions please feel free to contact
Perry Kulmatyski or Wayne Rufiange at RF Staples.