Oct. 31 Sr. High

October 31st, 2018

There will be a student GRAD Executive meeting with the parent committee on November 5th during TAG in the theater. Please come ready to discuss a plan for your celebration with the parent committee.


The Parent Grad FaceBook page is   Westlock Grad 2019


*►Don’t forget the Archery Team organizational meeting tomorrow in room17 during focus.


If you do not have a 1st block and have ordered photos, please pick them up in the office.


►Due to lack of respect, Mrs. Buchko’s room will not be open at lunch for the rest of the week.


*►If you are interested in joining the RF curling team, please sign up in the office.


►All WORK EXPERIENCE STUDENTS:  Your Midterm Evaluation (green sheet) needs to be done by your Employer by today.  Please send a pic to Mr. Buchko via text when it is completed.


►*The RF Staples NHL DRAFTS are ready for viewing. If you entered a team then you can now check your standings 24/7 at:



Password:  Thunder


The deadline to apply for the Rotary Youth Exchange is Nov. 9- Please see Mr. St. Denis for more information.