November 3, 2023

November 3rd, 2023

-Congratulations to Farrah Boissonault in Grade 8 for earning the Work Hard Be Kind for October

-Congratulations to Kylee Bourque in Grade 12 for earning the Work Hard Be Kind for October

-Spookybooth photos are now available on Mrs. Scallion’s teacher page on the RF website!

-the Student Lounge will be closed for cleaning and reorganization

-Can the following students please turn in their card fundraiser money ASAP: Ayla Lambert, Catherine Cornell, Jenna Snyder, Kylee Tymkow, Kyler Lambert

-SR High-If you are interested in taking a dual credit Educational Assistant program, the sign-up sheet is in the office.

-If there is any more graffiti in the girl’s washroom/changeroom in the street, the washroom will be closed indefinitely. Also, do not eat your lunches in the washroom. That’s just gross.