Nov. 18 – Sr. High

November 18th, 2021

2020-2021 Yearbooks are in. Please pick up in the office


There will be Student Union meetings this week regarding Frosty Formal and December events.  Please plan to attend during Focus on Thursday and Friday in the multipurpose room.


►Student Parking will be closed Nov 25 and 26 for Volleyball Provincials. We apologize for the inconvenience by we need a place for visitor busses


►Weight room will not be open Thursday after school


►*Cast and crew of Big, Bad Musical –t-shirts are in! Bring your $10 to the office and pick yours up.


3-on-3 high school basketball intramurals run next week. We could still use a few more teams. Grades 10, 11 and 12 welcome. Sign-up deadline is today.