May 30,2023 Senior High

May 30th, 2023

►Can the following students please see Ms Bowsfield regarding Grad Bio’s: Matthew Auger, Cailyn Christensen, Corbin Kawchuk, Dreya Seneca, Matthew Simmons,

►All students that are speaking at grad please see Ms. Bowsfield at Focus today

Deadline to apply for scholarships is Friday, June 16th. Please see Mr. St. Denis for more information.

A reminder to all Work Experience students, your last day of Work Experience is May 31st. Please get all of your documents into Mr. Buchko by June 1st.

►The Propane Hut is looking to hire a hard worker with a solid work ethic effective immediately. The pay is $20 an hour. See Mr. Buchko ASAP.

►*A huge thank you to Dyllan and Russell Marko, Cooper Buchko and Brody Mac Donald for helping Mr. Buchko and Mr. Marko paint the football field at RF Staples for the Bantam game on Thursday at 4 pm. Come cheer on the T-Birds Bantam football team. This is the first time in history that we have a bantam football team in Westlock!!

Fall registration for football will be on May 31st from 5-7.

►*BANTAM THUNDERBIRDS FOOTBALL GAME at RF Staples Thursday at 4 pm. Come cheer on the T-Birds!!!