May 2 – Sr. High

May 2nd, 2022

There are a few items of BASKETBALL gear that are available for sale:

2 small T-shirts ($15 each), 1 small Hoodie ($30), 3 small Sweatpants ($30 each) and 2 gym bags ($25 each).

These are available for sale in the main office.  First to bring their money – get the items.


* If you have lost a book, keys or any other item, please check in the Lost and Found box or ask someone in the office.


►Congratulations to Ethan Lewis in Grade 11 for earning the Work Hard Be Kind for the month of April. Please come to the office.


►*A huge congratulations to our junior and senior high drama students.  Over Thursday and Friday they competed in the Zone II West Drama Festival.  Both groups did an amazing job, and were excellent hosts.  In the junior high division “Death of a Dead Guy” was awarded for special effects make-up, outstanding ensemble, and outstanding directing.  Kyra Shumway was awarded for physical comedy, Breton McCarron for outstanding Tech and Cynthia Rondeau for outstanding stage manager.  Our high school show “Selfie” took home the Best Visual Production award as well as Outstanding Creative Spirit.  Cynthia Rondeau was awarded outstanding under pressure, Elle Seatter for outstanding supporting actor, Shaylin Lussier for outstanding dramatic performance and Jesse Weder and Chris Pechanec for directing.  We are so proud of you all!