Jan. 13 – Jr. High

January 13th, 2023

►The following students still need to pick up their curling bonspiel prizes from Mrs. Kulmatyski in the main office:

Peyton Shaw, Sierra Fedyna, Malena Durocher


Registration is now open for the Pembina Hills School District wide Chess tournament on Saturday, April 29th.  Please see Mr. Buchko to register.  Fee is $10 and the deadline is April 20th.  Only 64 spots are available so register early.


►*The English hallway is closed unless you need to access Ms Bowsfield’s or Miss Gasse’s class. Please use the cafeteria as your travel route. Accessing lockers is fine but no large groups or chatting.


►*Attention all French speaking students,

The Alberta Francophone Games will be taking place this year in Sylvan Lake, AB  May 12 to 14 /2023. Check out the brochure in the office if you’re interested.