Jan. 11 – Jr. High

January 11th, 2023

►The following students can pick up their curling bonspiel prizes from Mrs. Kulmatyski in the main office:



1st:  Meagan Dul, Isobel Carter, Elizabeth Freeman and Aloysha Sharpe

2nd: Charlee Coutu, Peyton Shaw, Sierra Fedyna and Reed Golinowski

3rd:  Malena Durocher, Piper Woodcock, William Lefebvre and Ben Danks

4th:  Jax Fradette, Embry Schmidt, Precious Li-Selvaraj and Jade Ford



1st:  Brennan Properzi, Carter Stevens, Kallan Beattie and Kris Delos Reyes

2nd (tie)  Chloe Beattie, Parker Ryan, Nate Rigney and Zephyr Bruens

Connor McCoy, Kolton Jesperson, Rylan Thue and Dyllan Marko

4th:  Aidan christenson, Logan Sauve and Jax Swingen



1st:  Paisley Budgen, Hunter Holsapple and Gavin Adam

2nd:  Branden allers, Brittney Armstron, Ian Vandervelde and Makayla Wood

3rd:  Mya Dzivinski, William Despaul, Kole Carnegie and Katrina Monro

4th:  Kolby Plant, Katlyn Reeves and Mrs. Stevens


►*Registration is now open for the Pembina Hills School District wide Chess tournament on Saturday, April 29th.  Please see Mr. Buchko to register.  Fee is $10 and the deadline is April 20th.  Only 64 spots are available so register early.


►*Theatre club starts after school today in the theatre. Please have a ride ready for 5:00. If you would still like to join, please see Mx. Vranas today or show up at the theatre after school.