Apr. 12 – Sr. High

April 12th, 2022

Spring Football registration night will be on April 20 from 6:00-7:30 pm.


►Don’t forget the Health Care Aide/Dual Credit information session tonight at 7:00 in the multipurpose room or join the meeting online.  Contact the office for the code to join.


►*Please put out your recycling this morning before 10:15.


►If you will be 18 years old by May, there is an open house  on April 23 for a group of road construction companies based in Acheson that are looking for labourers and flagpersons.  Look for the posters in the hallway for more information.


Tickets will be on sale for the Spring Dance every day during Focus and at lunch in the cafeteria.  $5 each


If you are a grade 12 student that will be returning to RF next year, please see Mrs.Vollema in the office as soon as possible.