The R.F. Staples School Council meeting will be held via Google Meet, October 7 at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in participating please send a message to the general email address,
Please provide the following information
Name, child(ren)’s name(s) attending R.F. Staples or Westlock Outreach, email address, and phone number.
The information will be used to authenticate that the person requesting to join has a child attending R.F. Staples or Westlock Outreach. Your email address is needed to send the Google invite to. If you are worried about a poor connection due to internet access, you may opt to turn off video for the Google Meet or call in using the phone number that is provided in the Google Meet invitation. If you choose to dial in please look to see that it is a Canadian number. Sometimes a US number is provided (not by the school but by Google) and long distance charges may apply.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.