Greetings Parents/Guardians of R. F. Staples Secondary School students,
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions I am hoping to gather some feedback from you by email or phone.
As part of the Electoral Ward Review the Board of Trustees published the “What We Heard” report on the Pembina Hills website from the feedback we received during our consultation. Based on the input received, the board has created a fourth option which is outlined in the attached document.
In option 4, wards have been created using existing municipal and council divisions. This will create a better representation by population between municipal and student numbers, while taking into account that some areas are more sparsely populated. Since school board elections are held in conjunction with municipal elections, this structure will also create a simplified experience for both voters and trustee candidates by clearly defining electoral lines.
Please take a few minutes to consider the fourth option and provide any comments or feedback you have to Trustee, Wendy Scinski
or 780-3072668 (call or text) by April 17th.