In an effort to assess the needs of our students, please have each RF student in your home fill out this form.
They will need to sign in with their Pembina Hills email credentials. If they have forgotten their log in details , please contact the main office and we can provide them with that information. As the student Pembina Hills email address will be the method of contact for teachers with students, please make sure your student is checking that account.
The school has a limited number of devices for students who require them for online learning and communication with teachers. If your student needs one, please ask for a form in the main office when they come to clean out their locker. If they are under the age of 19, the form must be read and filled out by a parent or guardian. If a parent/guardian is not accompanying your student, please fill out the attached form and send it with your student. Please only fill out the borrower name, address, contact number and email address and sign and date it. The other field will be filled out at the school when the device is handed out