Dear Class of 2021: May 27th
Thank you so much for submitting your biographies to Ms. Gasse, Ms. Albrecht,Ms. Bowsfield or Mr. Pidsadowski and for nominating speakers for your class of 2021 celebration. I have spoken to the persons’ nominated to speak and they have accepted the nominations and are preparing their speeches.
Thanks to Mrs. Scallion and the photography class for all their hard work in organizing and scheduling graduation portraits, all graduation portraits are scheduled to be completed by June 19th. We are working hard on building and recording the convocation program.
We wanted to share with you the details of the convocation celebration for our drive by convocation. Please know that even with the Premiers May 26th announcement of possible new restrictions in June, our convocation ceremony will still be a drive by celebration and a virtual speaker program.
Please note:
When you receive your grad photos from the photography class you will use an email and your provided password to log in to your proof and ordering website. There will be a welcome message pop up with an image that we have pre-selected to use for the yearbook. If you would prefer a different formal photograph for the yearbook contact your photographer ASAP please.
If you have ordered a cap and gown please pay for it at the office and you will be able to pick it up after june 18th.
R.F. Staples Class of 2021 Celebration:
June 25 th Starting at 12:00pm
There will be a Drive in Staff / Student Convocation exchange in the North parking lot – students drive into the parking lot, only one Graduate allowed per vehicle. Graduates may have family of the same household in the same vehicle but only one graduate is allowed(unless siblings of the same family). Students will drive west on 104st and enter the staff parking lot at the 101ave entrance(diagram included at the bottom). Students will drive clockwise around the staff parking and stop in front of the school to collect their mementos and wave to staff. No guests are allowed to leave their vehicles and we are only permitting staff to gather on school grounds. Students then exit the parking lot and continue west along 104st past the yard signs recognizing the class of 2021. Students may pick up their personal lawn sign at 2pm. If they are not picked up, we will pick up and store them for you. There are 3 scheduled times for the drive by.
Students’ last names A- F Drive by at 12pm – 12:30
Students’ last names G-M Drive by at 12:30-1:00pm
Students’ last names N-Z Drive by at 1:00-1:30pm
It is imperative that all attendees follow the Provincial Covid 19 Guidelines for drive in convocation ceremonies.(may 2021)
Program (Recorded bios and Speeches- link goes live on June 25th at 3:00pm)
Video link will be sent to their PHRD email, privacy settings to any PHRD email with link can view
RF staples staff is extremely proud of the Class of 2021 and we look forward to celebrating your accomplishments in the best way we can at this time. We look forward to seeing you on June 25thth and sharing the celebration recorded program with you to enjoy with your family.
Yours truly,
R.F. Staples
Perry Kulmatyski, Associate Principal